Photos: Elijah La Torre, Zoe Brianna David, Sofia Michiko Yamamoto

Hey there, Pascians! March 8, 2025 marked the last day of the PCNSciHS Learner’s Convergence 2025, which was full of exciting activities!

This day featured the Division Federation Supreme Secondary Learner Government (DFSSLG) officers who personally experienced the Learners’ Convergence Philippines at Lapu-Lapu, Cebu.

It included talks about the Youth Formation Division (Carlls James Rana, DFSSLG Presdient), Sports (Geollana Eleazar, DFSSLG Vice President), Health (Aynsberg Sahagon, DFSSLG Treasurer), and DRRM (Lance Michael Alvarez, DFSSLG Auditor).

The student leaders also participated in collaborative activities in-between, including the Project Pitching session, where clubs with similar themes devised a comprehensive proposal for an initiative they’d like to implement for next school year.

We, the SSLG, extend our deepest gratitude for the participating clubs who made this event more special. May you bring these learnings with you as you progress as student leaders in PaSci. Until next time!